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CLEP -大学水平考试计划®


NOTE:  If you choose this option, there is a $30 remote proctoring fee in addition to the CLEP test fee.



Modern States is a program that has partnered with edX, the leading online learning platform founded by Harvard and MIT, to develop more than 30 high-quality free college courses taught by some of the world's leading universities and professors. Each course is aligned to a CLEP subject and includes online lectures, quizzes, tests, and other features.  教科书和资料也在网上免费提供.  For 注册一门或多门免费课程的学生 ModernStates.org and complete the course and test questions, Modern States will provide not only a voucher for you to take your CLEP exam at no charge, it will also reimburse your test center administration fee.  

Brief Description of Exam

The College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP) gives examinees the opportunity to receive college credit for what they already know by earning university-designated minimum 34门考试的分数. 请参考下面的表格 页的CLEP考试接受的列表 365bet 以及每门考试的最低分数要求. Please see the Additional Information section below for information applicable to examinees who wish to receive credit at 365bet.


Registration and payment for all CLEP exams must be completed online through http://clep.collegeboard.org/register/exam.  Click on "Create an Account" in the upper right corner of the screen and provide all requested information.  一旦您通过CLEP订购了测试并打印出来 你的票,你必须在网上登记 here 与365bet安排考试日期和时间.

Some policies regarding CLEP exams are at the discretion of individual colleges and universities, i.e. 最低分数要求,可选论文和课程学分. All candidates must contact their school’s Registrar prior to testing to ensure the CLEP exam they wish to take will meet the recipient school’s requirements. The Testing 中心强烈建议候选人访问 大学理事会CLEP网站 to make certain they have the most current information regarding all testing policies and procedures.

Registration Requirements

To register to take a CLEP exam, you must first create an account through www.collegeboard.org/clep.

Click on "Create an Account" in the upper right corner of the screen, then provide all requested information.  在这个网站上,你们都可以注册参加CLEP考试 并缴交$93的CLEP考试费用.

CLEP的365bet接收代码为 1028.  All candidates testing for 365bet must use this code for any CLEP test credit they 希望申请到他们的365bet成绩单.  Do not 使用代码5071作为您的机构收件人代码. You must 打印报名表 在考试当天出现在考试中心. 您的在线注册是有效的 for six months,在此期间,您可以安排考试的时间和日期.


$93.00 per exam plus a $20.00 365bet fee per exam.  

The $93 CLEP exam fee is payable on-line with a credit or debit card during the registration 浏览CLEP网站.  20美元的365bet考试管理费必须支付 通过信用卡/借记卡预支 http://www2.registerblast.com/apsu/Exam/List.  当你来测试时,你可能会被要求出示你的收据.

CLEP与现代国家建立了伙伴关系. 通过完成在线预习课程, you can test for free. Go to www.modernstates.org to find out more.

请注意:CLEP考试由美国教育部资助.S. 国防活动政府 申请非传统教育支持(DANTES) military examinees. Please visit 军事人员CLEP 在大学理事会网站上获取更多信息. Some veterans 也有资格领取CLEP福利. Please visit CLEP for Veterans 在大学理事会网站上获取更多信息.  如果你有资格申请唐太斯 资金,请致电测试中心安排您的预约.


Acceptable identification must be valid and current, must bear the test-taker’s full name in English language characters, and must contain both a photograph and a signature. If you have any questions regarding the identification requirement, please call the 测试中心电话:(931)221-6269. 如果你这样做,你将不被允许在365bet考试 不符合身份证要求.

Test Dates / Times

您可以查看即将到来的CLEP日期 here 并通过我们的在线注册系统进行注册 here.

Testing Location

On the day of the test, report to Henry Street, Marks Building, Room 124, 10-15 minutes 在你预定的考试时间之前.


During peak times on campus, parking availability in the area around the Marks Building can be limited. 请在预定时间前预留充足的停车时间 test time.

Permissible Test Aids

Examinees may bring their own non-mechanical pencils; however, scratch paper and pencils 将由测试中心提供吗. 内置的在线计算器是可用的 一些CLEP考试的部分内容. Please visit “Exam Descriptions” 在大学理事会CLEP网站上获取更多计算器信息.

Prohibited Items

Calculators (a calculator function is built into the software for some exams), cellular phones/pagers, beepers, walkie-talkies, PDAs, wireless communication devices (e.g. BlackBerry, Smart Watches), digital watches, alarm watches, wristwatch cameras, any kind of photographic or copying device, listening devices such as radios, media players with head phones or recorders, dictionaries, books, pamphlets, reference materials, papers other than the scratch paper provided by the Testing Center, mechanical pencils, pens, highlighters, slide rules, protractors, compasses, rulers, food, beverages, tobacco products, hats (unless worn for religious requirement), hoodies, and any other unauthorized testing aids.


Examinees will receive a preliminary score report instantly upon completion of the exam. The only exceptions to this are the written essay portions of any exams that must be hand-scored.

Official transcripts are sent to the college or university that examinees select on test day.

美国大学理事会保存CLEP成绩单的期限为20年. To request additional 成绩单,请联系美国大学理事会.

Please visit “Scores & Transcripts” 在大学理事会CLEP网站上获取更多信息.


考试中心提供的考试席位数量有限. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please contact the Testing Center via email at least 预约前24小时. 你可以重新安排一次,没有 如果你在考试前24小时重新安排考试,有任何额外的费用. If you fail to reschedule , you will be required to pay the online registration fee to 365bet again.  您的CLEP登记证有效期为六个月. 如果你的登记证 has expired, you must go through the CLEP website registration process online again.

Retest Information

Examinees may not repeat a CLEP exam of the same title within three months (per CLEP 复试政策于2014年10月17日生效). Please visit “Retest Policy” 在大学理事会CLEP网站上获取更多信息.


Please contact the Testing Center at 931-221-6269 to request any accommodations at 至少在测试前两周. Please visit “残疾学生” on the College Board Web site for general information on College Board’s policies regarding accommodations.

Additional Information

365bet Students: If a candidate has already attempted a college-level course closely aligned with a CLEP exam, the candidate may not take the exam to receive additional credit or replace 那门课的成绩. 如欲澄清此政策,请联络 365bet的注册办公室. 拥有60个或以上学时的365bet学生 not eligible to receive credit for General CLEP exams at 365bet; however, 365bet students 是否可以参加科目CLEP考试并获得学分. 

The Testing Center strongly recommends that 365bet students discuss any potential CLEP examinations with their 365bet-assigned advisor and the Office of the Registrar prior to testing to ensure that the satisfactory completion of the CLEP exam(s) will provide the examinee 适当的,学位要求的学分.

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the Testing Center at (931) 221-6269.

General CLEP Examinations


Please Note:考生不能用CLEP考试代替课程成绩.

General CLEP Examination Minimum Score 365bet Courses
Humanities 50 6 hours for ART 1035 & MUS 1030
College Mathematics 50 6 hours elective credit
**Natural Sciences 50 6 hours elective credit
Social Sciences & History 50 6 hours elective credit


Subject CLEP Examinations


Please Note:考生不能用CLEP考试代替课程成绩.

Subject CLEP Examinations 365bet Courses Credit Hours Minimum Score
American Government POLS 2010 3 50
美国文学/散文 ENGL elective 3 50
Analyzing & 用短文来解释文学 ENGL 1020 3 50
初等函数微积分 MATH 1810  3 50
College Algebra MATH 1710 3 50
College Composition ENGL 1010 3 50
法语1级和2级 FREN 1010 & 1020 6 50
德语1级和2级 GERM 1010 & 1020 6 50
西班牙语1级和2级 SPAN 1010 & 1020 6 50
英国文学(散文 ENGL elective 3 50
General Biology BIOL 1010, 1011 4 50
General Chemistry 化学1110、1111、1120、1121或化学1010、1011、1020、1021 8 or 10 50
美国历史1:1877年之前的早期殖民 HIST 2010 3 50
美国历史II: 1865年至今 HIST 2020 3 50
Human Growth & Development PSYC 3100 3 50
Information Systems  CSCI 1000 3 50
教育心理学导论 PSYC 3130 3 50
Introductory Business Law MGT 3300 3 50
Introductory Psychology PSYC 1030 3 50
Introductory Sociology SOC 1010 3 50
Precalculus MATH 1730 4 50
宏观经济学原理 ECON 2100 3 50
Principles of Management MGT 2010 3 50
Principles of Marketing MKT 2010 3 50
微观经济学原理 ECON 2200 3 50


HIST 2310 3 50
西方文明II: 1648年至今 HIST 2320 3 50


If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the Testing Center at (931) 221-6269.